Friday, March 9, 2012


Waking up this morning really made me miss Florida. Snow this morning...really? Michigan cannot decide if spring is here.  Mike and I took a weekend vacation to Saint Petersburg to attend a wedding of my good friend Kari.  We had a blast with Kari and Brent's family and friends.

To those of you that work the same shift as your husband consider yourself lucky. This week going back to work has been hard. I realize how much I miss spending nights with my husband. With the same breath I am thankful for the job that God has given me. Working on being thankful in everything.

On returning I became very overwhelmed. With what you say? Dirty house and cooking. Since being married our busy lives have taken over. I have realized this is no excuse. My mind finally broke down. I hate having a messy house that if someone just stopped by I would be embarrassed.  This week I have made a weekly cleaning chart with hopes to start next week. The start will be frustrating BUT I know that with time the chart will make cleaning quicker. I wish I did not function on organization. I am like a robot just wanting every day to be the same. Poor Mike.

After tackling the cleaning my hope is to implement a cooking schedule that is healthy. I have been looking into local farms/going organic. By all means I do not want to go crazy with this but when I think about my husband and the family we will some day have I long for healthy. I have read Wildly Affordable Organic loving the whole idea of it.

If any of you have read the Hunger Games (I am on book 3 and yes Kerry I have finally embraced the book even though they are a little cheesy). Why did I embrace this book well after reading Wildly Affordable Organic I realized that as grocery shoppers we are all apart of a Hunger Game. Many of us want to be healthy but the pricing may be too high or you always question how organic is organic? Is this local farm really selling quality food?  Why does the grocery store suck?  Why are prices rising every where?  Is anyone else seeing the relation to the hunger games?  As you already know I am a Jesus follower but I can't help but envision our government looking down on us like the capital in the Hunger Games

I encourage you to read Wildly Affordable helped me to see that maybe we do not need meat but lots of beans and vegetables. What to go cheap on and what to spend a little more money on. I would love to live by this book for a year...lets see if my husband would be on board!